Blackhead Removal in Bangkok, Thailand Guide
“The blackhead removal at Puttharaksa Aesthetic does not only remove nose blackheads but also helps minimize pore which is the root cause of blackheads.”
Acne extraction is one of the best ways to remove comedonal acne. In Bangkok, there are lots of places that provide the service. You may find it in spas and beauty clinics.
However, if you have blackheads on your nose, we suggest acne extraction is not a good choice. The reason is that it will cause your nose becomes rough and has scars.

Treatments for Nose Blackheads Removal in Bangkok
The best way to work on blackheads on your nose is to reduce injury due to extraction. There are several options available in Bangkok.
If you go to a beauty clinic, they will have a treatment on your nose that melt blackheads. Then, they will use a pore strip to pull out the blackheads.
If you go to spas, they will extract blackheads on your nose by hand. It is quite painful. It can clean your nose but it will cause some scars later.
If you go to a hospital, they will give you a cream to work on nose blackheads at home.
Where Shall We Go?
You may also find some places that have a specialty in acne have their own method. For example, at Puttharaksa Aesthetic, they apply a special mask and machine to work on nose blackheads. The procedure does not only remove nose blackheads but also helps minimize pores which are the root cause of blackheads.
Medically reviewed by Lawanworn Broese Van Groenou, Pharm.D. | Written by Acne Thailand Editorial Contributors.